我的目标- My Goal

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Before I started to write my goal.
mind to ask you one question -> Do you have your own Target or Goal already?
If not, then what is the reason you dont have it?
Is it you never think before or you dont want to think about it?
Or maybe you think that, even I set my goal, it doesn't mean my goal will archieve.

There is almost 90% people living in this world who do not have their own goal. A person who do not have the goal, means a person who do not have direction. He or she dont know what he or she are doing everyday. If you see a person with a target, you can see what he or she is doing. You can see the passion of that person, you can see the excitement of that person. They have their motivation to help themselves to achieve their goal or target.

Life is short, so set your target now. There is a lot of types of target you can set. What you wan for yourself, what you wan to give to your family or your love one, what you wan to achieve in this year, 5 years later, 10 years later. Write it down, dont waste anytime if you think it already. Dont just put in your mind because you will forget it soon. When you write it down, put a place that you can see it often. So, it will remind you when you see it.

If you think this is useless, and say 'i do not neeed any target, i dont trust it'. Maybe one day you will realise it, what you think is wrong, But is all too late, because you are just step away to see this world already. Dont let your life just pass like this. We must grab every minute we can to achieve our goal. I have realised that I have wasted millions millions seconds, when i looking back what i have done so far, there is a lot is just a waste of times.

Here is my Goal, 我的目标!

My Ultimate Target:
A Happy Family with no worry of financial problems.
My parents will be able to retire early and I can give them whatever they want.
Travel around the world with my love one.
A bunglow which have swimming pool, mini cinema, small garden.
Four personal cars-sports car, four-wheel car, mini car, and normal car.
Give everything my love one that she wants.

5 years goal - (Achieve in 2012)
Having own group of company with some subsidiary of it.
Be a Professional Investor.
Buying my own house and car that I wanted.

My 2008 Target:
Earning RM 100,000 for my net Annual Income.
80k from my job and 15k from stock market and 5k for others extra income.

You can add your target everytime you think it. Even a simple target, or even a really short period target, we also can write it down. Dont care what people say to you. That's your life, you should control your life and not people control you! When you have your target and you must try what you can to achieve your target. If you dint get your target on time, it's ok, at least you have put the effort to get it. Dont give up, Keep your target alive!!!

Ok, I already have my own target. What about you? What are you waiting for? Act it now!!! Remember time wait nobody and Life is Precious!!!

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