When I started THIS interest?

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As i say this blog is all about me...so, i will start talk about myself first...

I would like to share my interest. when i stared it. my interest is EARN LOT OF MONEY!

Since i was just a little kid... I really have the mind of making a lots money for me.
I remembered when I was in primary school, at that time, there is a trend of young kids buying playing cards. erm... is like a machine then when put in some coin and we can get a cards... mostly the card is about the singer, actor, or the cartoon hero like dragon ball. I heard my friend told me that the card is valueable if you get the card which is limited edition (inside have some shine on card). Then I started to buy the cards. I have been putting alot of money on it. Luckily, I did get the cards which is valueable. So, I try to persuade my friend to buy it. I really dont know i have earn profit on it or not... cause I have 'invest' a lot in the cards. until now, if I not mistaken, some 'unpopular card' stil in the store room. HAHA!!!

Besides that, I also start my interest of collecting stamps then later concentrate on First Day Cover. The reason I start collecting stamps, of course is the primary school teacher tell us to think what your hobby, then i see my father also got keep some stamps too.. that started my hobby... but later I see my cousins collect some First Day Cover. I curios then I ask what that and why collect this? He told me that it will be valueable to keep it and can sold it when you hold for a certain of time (just like the antics). Then i started to collect it when i was stardard six and until form 3 i stopped collect it. I noticed that i have bought a lot of it and i still dint sell it out. And is quite a waste of time to collect and keep for so long.

I really dont why i only have the interest to earn money. My dad and my mom is not a business person. But i really have a lot of interest to earn $$$. maybe since i was young i see a lot of my friend they can buy what they wanted. They maybe inspire me to earn money. and maybe i see my friend's family have a big house, have a big car. It make me wish to be liked them.

Then starting of Form 4, i remembered i started to look at Stock or Shares. this interest is come from my mom, she playing a lot shares. so, i started to have interest on it. cause last time she did earn some $$ on it when the market is really good. But she also lost a lot of money when the Market crash on 1997. When my mom look at stock market in tv, i also follow her to watch. cause nothing to do at that time. But the funny thing is I dont what is it. Is all number at there. She teach me what that it for. But i still cant get it, until i start to read in the chinese newspaper. Ever since then, my interest in the stock market increase a lot. I started to look at the shares, the price up and down, the highest or lowest. Then i started to recommend to my mom, ask her to buy this to buy that. But at that time i just look on the very very BASIC price on share only and nothing else.

Interest still continue when i in college, i asked my mom help me buy one share for me too. But in the end, i loss on it. But if i still hold on for sometimes, the i should have earn it. Geram betul!
As you know, i really wan to earn money. At the college time, i get approach from one of my friend, who doing a direct sales. Is a new thing for me at that time, he keep persuade me to sign as an agent for him. Then i sign on it. Because when he show me the money of his upline can get it in a month, i suprise by the amount the earn. 20k a month... 50k.. and even 100k... Wow!
But this story will be my next blog title... Cause this start of my Life, it Change my mind completely.

I cant deny my interest really is earning lot of money. But why need to make a lot of money? Why I wan to earn so much like other people? Now I finish my study, I'm in UK rite now. Earning pound now. and I earn RM7k a month net earning for me. But I still feel that is not enough. What I wan in life cant match the earning I getting now. maybe other feel that earning 7k still not enough? after deduct all your expense still not enough?
Ya... is really true! Living in this 'money' world... even is 10k net... I still say not enough. I wil tell you next time --->why?

That all my this blog... it maybe be messy... but i hope you all still manage to read it...hehe Grammar sure is a problem... so dont take it seriously on it....haha!
Thanks for your reading.... hope you still can continue to read my blog.
As I hoping my blog can give you some idea of thinking. If you dont agree with it, is ok about it, as all people have different mindset of it. I'm here just to share it...

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