Lessons in Life 1- Just Do It!

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One of the best lessons that Sir Richard Branson had learned. Just Do It? Yes! Just Do It!

It doesn't matter what it is, or how hard it might seem, as the ancient Greek, Plato said, "The beginning is the most important part of any work.

1. Just Do It!

Believe It Can Be Done
Have Goals
Live Life to the Full
Never Give Up
Prepare Well
Have Faith in Yourself
Help Each Other

This is Sir Richard Branson motto:"Screw it - let's do it!" He dont believe that little word 'cant' should stop him. If we dont have the right experience to reach our goal, look for another way in. Just dont let the word 'cant' to stop all your dreams, all your goals, all your happiness.
Richard Branson wasnt very good in passing exams at school but he knew he would do better on his own in the world. His parents let him make the choice and always behind him. So, he left the school when he was 16 and work full time on his first own magazine company- Student! Right now, he own about 200 companies in the world.

Sometimes we work on our goals, but in the process we will face a lot of problems and sometimes you will think it is hopeless. If you dint keep try it, you will never reach it. One of the lessons to be learned is keep trying and to never give up! But remember if you wan to do something, just do it, but also to plan and prepare well, have faith in yourself, help each other, never give up!
So, if something is what you really wan to do, just do it. Whatever your goal is you will never succeed unless you let go of your fears and fly. Sir Richard Branson also like us when he was young, but because he has the dream and just do it, now he own what he wants in life.

Next lesson, will let you more clear about your dreams... Hope you like it. Anything just comment on it.

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