Merry Christmas to YOU!

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Christmas is just around the corner and the year of 2007 is about to end.
Welcoming the year of RAT 2008.
Shall we looking back what we have done in 2007?
or just looking forward what we should done in 2008?
people always dont know what they are doing everyday. almost 90% of the people are making almost the same routine everyday.
Do they really think living in 'everyday same routine' is the meaningful for their life?
im wondering... im confius too...
but maybe in life people dont have the choice to chooose what they really want.
or is it people dont have the time to think what they really want?
shall we wait until the end of our day only realise that we have miss a lot of things?

I hope that in the year of 2008 will a year for everybody.
People can starting thinking what they really want, what they really need.
Hope they can enjoy every second of their life.
Maybe we need to look back what we have done in 2007 but we shall not forget to look forward what we need to be done in 2008.

I wish all of you the BEST in the YEAR 2008.
MErry Christmas n a HAPPY new YEAR 08

I always Miss YOU!

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