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Such a long time I dint post my blog already...
Quite busy with my assignment... HaHa...

Finally I find a time to post my blog....
going to post my Stonehenge n Salisbury trip.
the trip actually is quite boring la.

Supposely, the trip is taking about 3hrs journey, but due to some event going on, some of the road had been closed. traffic jam, taking about 5 hrs to reach there... haiz... wasting our 2 hrs precious time.

When the time we reach Stonehenge... we just got 1 1/2 hour to tour around Stonehenge... and there is a lot of people touring Stonehenge...

So, why Stonehenge so many people wan to visit?
just is because it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World... but now NO MORE...
070707 actually is the date it released the New Seven Wonders of the World. and Stonehenge has been kick out from it. too bad... Waste my $$$ only...

But think on the other way, actually very fortunate can visit Stonehenge la.. although just a few 'batu', it so famous. So, a place need to visit la...

So happy i already conquer the Stonehenge... haha...

After Stonehenge, we going to Salisbury- a city nearby Stonehenge.
Then the city actually nothing to see about... just a famous St Mary Cathedral. That's all!
oh..ya.. and beautiful Swan in the river there. Also mainly due to insufficient of time to travel around the city... haiz...

Overall the trip is just OK... not really satisfy with it... due to traffic jam.
but at least I have been to STONEHENGE N SALISBURY. Haha!!!

Below is my pictures about the trip, do visit n see.
Click to see all the pictures:

Stonehenge n Salisbury

Link about Stonehenge:

Link about Salisbury:

My next trip i will post up is Blackpool. trying this fews day post it up la... hopefully i can upload all the picture first.

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